NOTE: To present a file your device must be connected to an external monitor.
To present a file click Present at the top of the viewing pane. Present mode is turned on. NOTE: Present mode stays on until you click Stop or close the case. So, you can navigate from the Files tab to the Timeline tab in the same case without having to turn Present off and on.
Presentation tools are displayed at the top of the view pane, and a black screen with the Case Crafter logo is displayed on the external monitor.
Click on the yellow eyeball icon to view the file on the external monitor. The icon turns white to indicate that the file is being shown on the external monitor. Click on it again to stay in present mode but hide the file.
NOTE: Only the file itself is shown on the monitor. The tools do not show.
Any action you take on the file is shown on the external monitor as it is performed – scrolling, highlighting, paintbrush, callout, pen, etc.
To pause actions from being shown as they are performed, press the pause icon – it turns yellow. The file will still be displayed on the external monitor but actions are not shown as they are performed. To resume, click the pause button again. TIP: Using the pause button is helpful when you want the display to stay visible but need to perform other actions in the app and don’t want the audience to see those actions.
To stop presenting click Stop.