NOTE: The File Review Tools are only available for PDF files.
There are text formatting options that are available for text that has been selected. Simply select text then choose a formatting option to be applied to the text.
To remove the formatting, click on the formatted text to select it (a rectangle appears). Click Delete in the tool bar.
There are also tools in the top pane of the window that allow you to mark up and modify the file.
Undo and Redo
Click Undo or Redo to undo or redo your most recent change to the file.
Click Note to drop a sticky note anywhere in the file. Enter your note and click the check icon to save it.
View a note, without opening it, by hovering over the note icon. You will not be given the option to edit a note unless you click on the note icon.
Edit a note by clicking on the note icon, then clicking the pencil icon. After you have made your changes, click the check icon to save your changes. NOTE: To delete a note, click Delete in the review tool pane after clicking the pencil icon in the note.
Close a note by clicking the X.

NOTE: This functionality is only available in files that have been OCRed. You can use Paintbrush to apply highlighting to non-OCRed files.
To highlight text, click Highlight then select the desired text. Yellow highlighting will be applied to the selected text.
To remove highlighting, click on the highlighted area to select it (a rectangle appears). Click Delete in the tool bar.
The Paintbrush tool can be used on any PDF file.
Click Paintbrush then swipe over the screen to apply yellow highlight. This is a free form tool.
To remove the highlight you can click on the highlight to select it (a rectangle appears around it) then click Delete in the tool bar.
You can also use the Erase tool to remove all or just a portion of the paintbrush highlight.
The Pen tool can be used on any PDF file.
Click Pen then draw or write on the file. This is a free form tool.
To remove the pen markings you can click on the marking to select it (a rectangle appears around it) then click Delete in the tool bar.
You can also use the Erase tool to remove all or just a portion of the pen marking.
This tool is used to remove highlighting that has been applied using the Paintbrush or Pen tool. It will not erase highlighting applied using the Highlight tool.
Click Erase and swipe the purple dot over the highlight that you’d like to remove.
Print the file by clicking Print. The print window is opened.
NOTE: Highlighting and notes will not appear in the printed materials.
This tool allows you to delete, rotate, or export selected pages in the file.
Click Modify. Thumbnails of all pages of the file are displayed in the window. Tools are available in the top of the window.
When you are finished with modifications click Done. You will be asked if you want to save your changes.
Select pages by clicking on them. Click again to unselect. You can select one or more pages at a time. Selected pages will have a blue checkmark on them
Click Select All to select all pages. Click Select None to unselect all selected pages.
Delete pages
Delete pages from the file by selecting them and clicking Delete. All selected pages will be deleted from the file.
Rotate pages
Rotate pages by selecting them and clicking Rotate. The selected pages will be rotated 90 degrees. Click Rotate again to continue rotating the pages.
Click Undo or Redo to undo or redo the actions taken on the pages. You can click them multiple times to undo or redo multiple actions.
Export pages
You can export selected pages to a new file, a file system, or email.
Select pages and click Export.
The Export selected pages window is displayed.
Select the target:
- To new case file – The selected pages will be added to the case as a new file. This file will show up in the files list for the case.
- To file systems – The selected pages will be added as a file in the location you select after you click Export.
- To email – The selected pages will be attached as a file to an email. After you click Export, your mail service will be opened.
A New filename is suggested. You can update the filename if desired.
Click Export and take the appropriate action based on the target you selected.