Other File Tools

Last updated on 02 Oct 2024

Additional file tools are located in the pane on the right side of the file window when a file is opened.

This tool pane can be closed by clicking the X in the left hand corner. Re-open the pane by selecting one of the tools in the pane.


NOTE: This tool is only enabled for OCRed files.

Click the magnifying glass icon to open the search tool.

Enter text in the search bar and hit the Enter or Return key. Results that match the search text are highlighted in the document and displayed in the search pane.

Navigate through the results using the up and down icons at the top of the search tool pane. Select a result by clicking on it. The document will scroll to the location of the result.

Clear the search bar by clicking the X in the search bar.

File Properties

Open the File Properties tool by clicking on the pages icon.

Each of the properties shown can be updated. These properties are displayed for each file in the file list.

Updates are automatically saved when you close the file.

Filename: You can change the file name as desired. The file extension will be appended to the end of the name automatically, so there is no need to worry about providing it.

Date: When the file is first added to the case, if the file is OCRed, the app will scan the first page for dates and choose the date it thinks is the most relevant. If the file is not OCRed, no date is assigned. You can enter or choose a date.

Dates found in document: This is only available for OCRed files. The app will extract all the dates from the first page of the file. You can select one of the dates from the dropdown and click Set date to select that date.

Exhibit number: You can enter a number to assign as the Exhibit Number for the file.

Status: This allows you to keep up with whether or not the file has been reviewed. You can select one of the options.


NOTE: This tool is only enabled for PDF files.

TIP: Bookmarks can be useful for adding presentation notes as the Title text field can contain multiple lines of text.

Click the ribbon icon to open the Bookmark tool.

Existing bookmarks, if any, are displayed. Click on a bookmark to navigate to it in the file.

Add New Bookmark

To create a new bookmark, click New. The Create Bookmark window is opened.

TIP: If you select text before clicking New, that text will automatically be entered in the Title field.

The current page number is selected. You can change select a different page by choosing a page number from the Page Number dropdown menu. Enter text in the Title field and click Create. The bookmark will display in the Bookmark pane.

Edit Bookmark

To edit a bookmark, click on the ellipses (three dots) for the bookmark then select Edit.

The Edit Bookmark window is opened. Make changes as needed and click Save.

Delete Bookmark

To delete a bookmark, click on the ellipses (three dots) for the bookmark then select Delete.

You will be asked to verify the delete.

Connected Facts

Click on the paperclip icon to open the Connected Facts tool.

Files can be connected to timeline facts. Existing facts that the file is connected to, if any, are displayed.

You can connect the file to additional facts (new or existing), edit the fact, change the file start page, or remove the file from a fact.

Add file to new fact

NOTE: When you create a new fact, it will appear on the timeline on the date specified in the fact properties.

To create a new fact and add the file to it, click Add File to Fact. TIP: You can select text in the file before clicking Add File to Fact, and the selected text will be automatically entered as the title for the fact.

A pop up window is opened with the Add file to new fact tab in view. Provide information for the fact and click Create. The file is linked to the new fact and the new fact is added to the timeline.

Title: Enter or edit the fact. TIP: You can select text in the file before clicking Add File to Fact, and the selected text will be automatically entered as the title for the fact.

Date: The date is inherited from the main file, but it can be updated. This is the date that the fact will appear at on the timeline.

Add end date (optional): End date is optional. Add an end date if desired.

Tags: Tags are optional. They are used to help filter facts on the timeline. If there are existing tags, you can select tags. You can select multiple tags. NOTE: On a Mac you will need to use the Option key to select multiple tags.

Or you can create a new tag by clicking Add new tag. The New tag window is opened.

Enter a title for the tag and choose a color for the tag. To choose a color click on the color shown and select a color.

The tag is required to be assigned to a group. Select a group from the Group dropdown or select Create New to create a new tag group.

The New Tag Group window is opened.

Enter a title for the group and click Save.

Click Save on the New Tag window.

Add file to existing fact

To add the file to an existing fact, click Add File to Fact, then click on the Add file to existing fact tab. NOTE: Facts can be linked to more than one file.

Select a fact to add the file to and click Add.

Edit fact

To edit one of the facts that the file is connected to, click the ellipses (three dots) on the fact and select Edit fact.

The Edit Fact window is opened. Make edits as needed and click Save.

You can delete the fact by clicking Delete. This removes the fact from the case all together. NOTE: To remove the connection between the file and the fact, use the Remove from fact option found in the ellipses menu (three dots) for the the fact. See Remove file from existing fact below.

Set start page

When a fact is opened from the timeline, the files that it is connected to are opened to the first page by default. You can change the file start page.

The file start page for the fact is shown in the header of the fact. You can change the start page by clicking the ellipses (three dots) on the fact and selecting Set start page.

The Set file start page window is opened. Select the page number that you want the file to start on when the fact is opened from the timeline and click Save. The next time the fact is opened from the timeline, the file will be opened to the selected start page.

NOTE: This can also be done when editing the fact from the timeline. See Edit Fact under Timeline.

Remove file from existing fact

You can remove the file from the fact by clicking the ellipses (three dots) on the fact and selecting Remove from fact. The file is removed from the fact. The fact is not removed from the case or timeline, it is just no longer connected to the file.


NOTE: Pagination is only available for PDF files with more than one page.

The pagination tools are located in the bottom right corner of viewing pane.

The top number indicates the current page number. The bottom number indicates the total number of pages in the file.

Enter a page number in the top field to go directly to that page in the file.

Use the up and down arrow icons to go to the previous or next page.


The Zoom tools are located in the bottom right corner of the viewing pane.

Click the plus icon to zoom in. Click the minus icon to zoom out.